by Jane Johnson
My encounters to date show a new blueprint that is NOT about going back To Hebrew/OT methods or early New Testament methods but creating a new heaven which will eventually be brought along the timeline to create a new earth.
We can still learn a lot by understanding Hebrew culture and not just staying in Greek linear thinking but one new man is a meeting of Hebrew and Greek not going back to copy Hebrew methods or copy what the early church did with setting up home groups.
We are seeking to restore before the fall as this is what a manifest son is.
To do that we need to understand the characteristics of new heaven and new earth.
Rev 21 talks about how this must happen before new Jerusalem will descend which many see as us the spotless bride.
One caveat I see is that many of Jesus practices on earth I see as engaging heaven to bring new heaven values like dominion over water, healing, transfiguring, conquering Death by raising people from the dead. As we move to operate out of higher ages we can move to the place of Christ has done it all.