The Secret to Fulfilling Your Destiny
Bill Brady Edited 11/28/2018
This page will activate you into building with the Master builder and doing so by a flow of Holy Spirit.
“Unless the Lord builds the house the builders build vain.”
You will fulfill your destiny when you build what God wants you to build.
- God has a plan for what He wants you to build.
- God wants you to build together with other believers.
- God wants you to build with Jesus.
We experience building with Jesus as
- receiving blueprints
- receiving mandates
- building according to a mandate
- by flowing with Holy Spirit
- A blueprint is God’s plan for a heavenly building.
- A destiny scroll is a personal blueprint.
- A destiny scroll is a plan for your life.
Biblical Examples of Blueprints:
- The plan for the tabernacle that God gave to Moses
- The plan for the temple that God gave to David.
We are God’s temple.
- There is a plan for the Universal Ecclesia.
- There is a plan for every smaller expression of the ecclesia.
- There is a plan for every bench.
- There is a plan for every believer.
Engaging your book of destiny.
- You can engage to see your current pages and current destiny.
- Open more and more pages.
- You can ask to see the end page.
- You can go to the judgement seat of Christ and have all before now judged.
- Wood, hay and straw will be burned up.
- Gold, silver and precious stones remain.
- You can overlap the pages with the Lamb’s book of life.
Engaging a blueprint is like engaging your destiny scroll.
- First you receive the blueprint.
- Then you engage it.
Every bench has a blueprint.
- It is usually given to one of the bench of 3.
- The bench of 3 comes to agreement about the blueprint.
- The bench of 3 passes that understanding to the bench of 12.
- The bench of 12 builds according to the blueprint.
- Benches of 12 are meant to build themselves up into Manifest Sonship.
- A blueprint is the big-picture plan for the purpose that God has for a bench.
- A destiny scroll is the big-picture plan for a life.
- A mandate is the small-picture plan for a part of a blueprint.
- A mandate is a work order to build a smaller part of the big building
A mandate reveals what God wants us to do right now.
- It can be as small as, “Say this to that person”.
- It can be as big as something that will take days or weeks to do.
We receive many mandates in a day.
- We wake up in the morning with one or more mandates on our heart.
- Mandates come to us throughout the day.
We have all experienced flowing with Holy Spirit.
- Flow prompts us to do something that Holy Spirit wants done.
- When we say “Yes” then it does get done.
- When we say “No” then it doesn’t get done.
- When we continue to flow then it continues to get done.
- We do this with the energy provided by Holy Spirit.
Flow is experienced as a river flowing from the believer.
- The flow can be a pure flow purely from God.
- The flow can be a mixed flow. Some from God and some from man or a spirit.
- We learn to flow with less and less mixture.
Working on a bench protects us from mixed flow.
- Together we work to discern blueprints and mandates.
- Together we discern what is of God.
Jesus is building the Ecclesia
- by blueprints, mandates and flow.
- by united benches of 12.
We are all meant to be a member of at least one bench of 3 or 12.
Jesus is building His Ecclesia. We are to build with Him.
- There is no greater work!
- There is no greater source of joy!
- There is no greater adventure!