This is an intermediate level page. Bill Brady 2/4/2019
“Now the Lord had said to Abram:
“Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3
The 7 Promises are:
- I will show you the land that you are going to.
- I will make you a great nation.
- I will bless you.
- I will make your name great.
- You shall be a blessing.
- I will bless him who blesses you and curse him who curses you.
- In you all of the families of the earth shall be blessed.
What do these 7 Promises mean to us?
- I will give you all of the revelation that you need while on your Journey.
- I will make you to be a part of the One Holy Nation of Israel.
- I will bless you = “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” The blessing is given at a destined time on the Journey. Your spiritual father will bless you at that time. The blessing is the blessing of Abraham.
- You and your new name will be known. Many will enter into your new name to function in it. This is the opposite of you working to make your old name know. That is what they were doing as they built the Tower of Babel. Abraham was Abram’s new name. We will each be given a new name.
- Others will be blessed by your presence and by being connected to you.
- The one who blesses your name will be blessed. The one who curses your name will be cursed.
- All families for which you are a forerunning father will be blessed by entering into your new name.
This is one of many 7s in Scripture.
- The first 7 is the 7 Days of Creation.
Is there any correlation between these 7 Promises and the 7 Days of Creation?
- The Night and Day of Day 1 is the darkness of mystery being revealed as light.
You can activate each of these Promises in your life.
- Exercise your faith in the promises.
- Below you will find suggested encounters for activation into these promises.
- Some of these activations are at Beginner Level, some at Intermediate and some Advanced.
Take note of 2 of Wisdom’s Handmaidens mentioned in these verses.
- Faith
- Promise
Beginner Level application involving Faith and Promise:
- Engage Faith and Promise by encounter.
- Exercise your faith to make each of these Promises yours.
- Continue to believe for each one until they manifest in your life.
Take note that these 4 names are thrones that are found on the Journey.
- Blessing
- Dominion
- Greatness
- One Holy Nation
Intermediate Level application involving these 4 Thrones
- Engage the thrones of Blessing and Greatness by encounter.
- Spend time on them until you are filled with Blessing and Greatness.
- The day will come that you are blessed.
You will be fruitful and begin to multiply.
- This is fathering.
You will begin to exercise dominion.
- This is headship.
You will become great as your new name becomes great.
- A great name is able to bless others with greatness.
Advanced Level application of the One Holy Nation of Israel:
- You will become part of the One Holy Nation of Israel.
- You will begin to judge the nations of the earth to becoming part of he One Holy Nation of Israel.