We have been seeing and experiencing many resurrections and many more are coming!
- I keep seeing the casket open and people still coming out.
- There is a Stampede, an ongoing one.
- It’s like a ripple effect kind of thing, that when you start can’t be stop.
- Chain of events, on going.
Resurrection has started and it is unstoppable!
- I Am the Resurrection and the life is manifesting!
- That is true about you and me now.
Also the scripture “ask of me and I shall give you the nation’s for your inheritance” is manifesting among us.
- As we keep going on encounters seeking for more and looking for discoveries.
- Jesus told me, “you are really asking for the nations……that is what father’s ask for, healing is the children’s bread, children ask for their up keep and healings majorly but mature sons and fathers ask for nations”
What does it mean to judge to life?
- Judging to death is judging death upon the person that you are judging.
- Like passing death sentence.
- Judging to life is judging that Jesus’ death always brings about life and not death.
Daniel 7:22 “…until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.”
- Note “the time came”.
- This is that time.
- We become an ancient of days united with Jesus as Ancient of Days.
- We sit on a throne and judge to life.
- In so doing we possess our inheritance.
Our inheritance is 3-fold:
- life
- nations of sons come from us and
- the kingdom.
I am statement: “I am judgment”.
“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with Judgment and with Justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.” Isaiah 9:7
- As we move from city to city Jesus’ government increases.
- Peace increases.
- Jesus government and peace increase in the kingdom.
- And the kingdom expands to fill the whole earth.
- We judge on this throne to establish the Kingdom with Judgment and Justice.
- To “establish” is to “set up on a firm or permanent basis”.