Moving on From Operating in Singularity of Gifts to Operating out of the Four Faces

by Jane Johnson

Please share if this resonates as we are seeking to build a new wineskin.

This page is submitted to the ecclesia for confirmation or comments. No one person can categorically say this is the heavenly blueprint. I see we are looking for SCROLLS not gifts so we operate out of weakness and so dependency  not strength and comfort and service mentality of people coming to an expert to assist. Manifest sons have to be strong to take on the huge responsibility of creating a new heaven and new earth and ruling from Zion.


We are seeing we are moving to embrace Hebrew circular culture as there has been too much emphasis on Greek and we are moving to the One new man who is a combination of Hebrew and Greek . The four faces on the seraphim are very important in Hebrew culture as they show a lot about the operation of God.


I see there has been a lot of misunderstanding about the role of gifts in the church today. Some call for the 5 fold gifts to return as many don’t really operate referring to the apostolic gifting or prophetic. But there are many more gifts mentioned in the bible. But instead of choosing a few, do we need all of them now to become a manifest son fully functioning but we do it in ACCELERATED WAYS SO WE CAN COPE.

What we have seen clearly in heaven is THE ONE NEW MAN OPERATES IN ALL FOUR FACES OF GOD 

so they can operate at a high level. It still means we need the body to agree in unity but not develop roles to make us dependent on each other to function.

We all identify better with one face than another but that does not mean as manifest sons saying someone else will do the other parts . But we still need one another to see parts as scripture says we see in part, so that is why encounters and seeking revelation from many parts are important. (This stops networks developing and facilitates cross pollination).

Encounters now seem to be the dominate way of operating which seems to allow us to operate in the four ways. 

APOSTOLIC  (eagle) when we see the large blueprint of heaven – big concepts

PROPHETIC – (ox face/oracle) – who shares the application of what heaven wants for today

KINGLY (lion) – Means taking responsibility and ruling . A king must reinforce legislation made by legislators . No legislation can stand without reinforcement like the police have to enforce laws made by judges .

PRIESTLY (man) –  Functions with respect tp taking away Sin.  The Priesthood according to The Order of Aaron functioned with respect to covering Sins.  The Priesthood according to The Order of Melchizedek functions with respect to removing Sin.

We move towards operating in the four faces of God together as we move into  higher and higher ages and the need for ministries diminishes. Eventually we should be able to hear everything in heaven and not need teachers so we are not seeking academic knowledge but get infused knowledge.


So many of us myself and Justin Abraham included see we must all be oracles speaking from the heavenly blueprint we see in heaven (extending the prophetic which sees in the outer court and often does not invite a person to see they can legislate to change it ). Many see it as God is doing this regardless. Fulfilment of a prophecy is always dependent on the body acting on it (see page redefining prophecy as oracles).


Apostolic function (often identifies with the eagle) and flies high seeing the big picture. Moving away from thinking that apostles plant churches (we were called to make disciples not plant churches).

The early  Apostles never provided a covering but assisted facilitators in developing expressions of the body.


We are all called to care about the lost and if we don’t take responsibility it will be on our shoulders (this is very different from a few specialist evangelists who do it for us and can never reach the world anyway).

(See Redefining Evangelism page for further dialogue on this) 

DISCIPLE MAKING – Jesus key command was go and make disciples (Matt 28:19). This is for everyone not pastors or a few with that passion. We will not reach the world without multiplication and just adding people into the church will not mathematically reach the world. AN apostle always multiplies their own life so someone can take the mantle otherwise it dies.

(Click here to see our page spiritual addition versus multiplication)

LEADERSHIP is servant hearted, not running a hierarchy organisation but facilitating scrolls and networking of people to connect and showing the heavenly blueprint. There is no senior pastor role in the bible nor are there paid salaries for ministry (see unchurching section for more detail).

PASTORING – this was never meant to imply a paid or unpaid role for a pastor but the function of caring for the body which is part of the calling of making disciples. Taking a ministry into the church causes us to isolate from society too and not be a witness when many professional bodies perform a more excellent service and we are then present in the marketplace.


The root meaning  of teaching is debating not preaching from a pulpit. Jesus allowed dialogue and questioning. People don’t learn well just listening. Society knows that. Learning on the job reinforced by accountability are the most effective ways to learn. Seeing things in writing increases retention that is why I do a lot of written pages summarising. If we do not apply what we hear within a few weeks the anointing on that will be lost.


I see we need to move from what is your spiritual gift to a pathway of sonship  identifying are you operating as LORD KING OR CHANCELLOR and finally co creating.

(See Pathway to Chancellorship diagram)

I personally find spiritual gift questionnaires do not sit well with my spirit anymore as they polarise and cause people to build ministries that people are dependent on.


We see a lot saying they do not know their scroll for a long time .

Are we not told we have quite a bit on our scroll from the bible ?  For example go and make disciples ( not go and plant churches ) , love god and love others as yourself,  so can anyone really say they know nothing of what is in their book of destiny or God will reveal it at another time when they are ready ? Is that not an excuse ? Becoming the bride is clear as is working toward one united body. Setting captives free bringing freedom to the ecclesia is another major area.

Have we been conditioned that the prophet, apostle, kingly or priestly function is for someone else?

One question we could ask ourselves when seeking to live out our highest calling , how can I make the biggest difference to the world and can I do that governmentally more than physically?

We need people now who will play big as we are in end times. And see we have gone beyond what is my gift here but how can I operate as a manifest son.

JESUS IS WAITING FOR YOU – we are not waiting for Jesus.

We are seeing Jesus is waiting for us to stand by him doing acts found in the last part of the book of revelation.

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Meet The Author

CEO. Jane Johnson B.Com Grad Dip LD, Dip Coaching.
Founder of the ECCLESIA framework in 2013, and the Heavenly Realms Support Group. Jane has worked in many different leadership capacities from being a professionally qualified Christian Leadership Coach for 13 years to many Christian leaders, to leading a ministry with the Navigators, to being a Senior Learning and Development Manager of a multimillion corporation, advising the management team on strategic approaches to get the best out of their people. She has developed considerable experience with Investors in People taking several companies through to successful accreditation and training as a consultant for them. Hence she understands the amazing impact a tool based on this principle can have.