Go on to Perfection!
Bill Brady 2/12/2019 This is one of the most important pages that you will ever read. I awoke in the night having the mandate to write it. There is a Realm in heavenly places called Perfection. Jane and I with others experienced it as the Soaking Chamber loaded with
List of Facilitating Fathers for Donation
List of Facilitating Fathers: For sowing / trading into. With their PayPal info. If you don’t have a PayPal account then click PayPal.Me. If you do have a PayPal account then use their e-mail with your PayPal account. You may want to check PayPal fees. And find something that charges
What is the True Nature of YHVH’s Justice?
By Thomas Blasi 2/10/2019 The Law of Victims Rights The Divine Court The Law of Jubilee The Law of Correct Translation; “eternal punishment” is actually aionian judgment, where judgment is limited to an age (aion, or eon). God’s justice does not allow perpetual debt and slavery, for all debts are