Encounters in Infinity (is to come)

by Jane Johnson

A recent encounter of a number of people revealed these dynamics about infinity.

““The LORD shall reign to eternity and beyond.””

‭‭EXODUS‬ ‭15:18‬ ‭AMP‬‬

See we govern from eternity (i.e. come into agreement with everything there) benching with all but create from infinity then rule with Jesus on bench of 2 which is the city of Zion in the age of Zion.

A vortex which we saw infinite changing levels.

A flow from eternity to infinity and back again to eternity .

Cities / kingdoms governed by ourselves in line with who we are and maturity level we have reached – we know there is a city in new Jerusalem and if we are the new Jerusalem then it does make sense we have a city to rule from.

We could create beings like angels.

Big movement evidencing huge acceleration constantly – never ending change as people create within parameters set by father (no evil permitted as evil been destroyed in lake of fire).

Constant flow of seven spirits/angels in figure of 8 infinity shape – nothing static.

Some have seen 3 levels in the IS TO COME.

AGE OF ZION- we rule with Jesus on internal bench of 2 in city of Zion (David’s tent).

INFINITY/UNFATHOMABLE- unending realms we create in new day so many different cities ruled by people who have created different ways of operating . But sense there is common ways/laws of the universe outside of these cities.


ETERNITY- unknown



Seems to be white light and sensed you can find everlasting peace there and every characteristic of the father in never ending proportions, e.g., love, unity, joy. Everlasting city there.

DAYS OF OLD – We become ancient of days (sensing this may be where we operate out of bench of 1 ). That is where we entangle everything in heaven.

BEGINNINGS – I see we engage a window portal that we govern from with the trinity. Tip things out from there based on our fullness of supply from arcing as a tree in new Jerusalem. Portal upwards leads to next realm above this which is days of old.

Encounter in infinity

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Meet The Author

CEO. Jane Johnson B.Com Grad Dip LD, Dip Coaching.
Founder of the ECCLESIA framework in 2013, and the Heavenly Realms Support Group. Jane has worked in many different leadership capacities from being a professionally qualified Christian Leadership Coach for 13 years to many Christian leaders, to leading a ministry with the Navigators, to being a Senior Learning and Development Manager of a multimillion corporation, advising the management team on strategic approaches to get the best out of their people. She has developed considerable experience with Investors in People taking several companies through to successful accreditation and training as a consultant for them. Hence she understands the amazing impact a tool based on this principle can have.