Names of the Godhead for Encounter
by Bill Brady This list of names is taken from Names for the Father: Abba Abba Our Father All Sufficient God Consuming Fire Creator El Elyon – The Most High God Elohim El Shaddai Everlasting Father Father of All Father of Glory Father of Lights Father of Mercies Father
What are manifestations and how to bring them forth and notice them?
by Jane Johnson All creation is waiting for manifest sons scripture says. We are seeing manifestations take many forms but we can just see them as physical. Maybe a healing or raising someone from the dead. Revelation we heard in encounters: Intimacy must come before seeking manifestation. Seeking manifestation purely
You Are a Harvester of the Harvesters and a Father
by Bill Brady The billion fold harvest is a harvest of harvesters. Those who answer the call will change everything by being willing. Look at these two verses. We will be led to do governmental action for the Ecclesia. This is a higher level version of praying for laborers (workers).
Higher Age Heavenly Transformation Methods for Complete Health
by Jane Johnson LIVING FROM ETERNITY The greatest way to be whole is to live completely from eternity where you surrender any personal government of your body. You get freedom back as you mature but this means seriously contemplating that you wish to live forever when you will not be
You are a gate to translate heaven to Earth – Opening Everlasting Doors
by Jane Johnson This revelation may change Remember Moses never had a bible and the bible is just revelation that was never meant to end there. It was a sample that a council decided to pull together. We were always meant to do relationship with the trinity and share revelation
Ways to Manifest Heaven
By Jane Johnson The law of resonance and frequency are part of the 12 laws of Zion that show us the culture of heaven. We are called to live out of the new Jerusalem in rev 21. The Jewish temple was modelled after this but was always meant to be