If you are new to heavenly realms these three levels will be a good introduction. If you have spent some time in heavenly realms you may still have some gaps in your experience and understanding. Work your way through these three levels encountering those things that are new to you. If you come to us with background in heavenly realms you will be able fill in any gaps in your experience..
You can also use this material for mentoring or fathering others.
There is a suggested donation of $15.00 US to support those fathers who developed Tree of Life Group. The donation is made up of $5.00 US by PayPal to each of three spiritual fathers.
Thank you for trading into the raising up of mature sons.
Self-paced Tree of Life Group Level One: A Journey Into Intimacy
Self-paced TOL Group Level Two: A Journey into Destiny
Self-paced TOL Group Level Three: A Journey Into Kingship
There is a Facebook Messenger Chat Group for each level. Please ask to be added to the chat group. You can ask questions and share testimonies with others who are on the same journey.