The 12 Laws of Freedom
Patience Hagan 11/11/2018
- As a son of God you are authorized to be free from all entanglement, restrains, denial and delays.
- As a son of God you are authorized to be free from every demon that sits at your gates and every giant or dragon that sits on your throne.
- As a son of God you are authorized to free your spirit to operate multidimensionally, and align your spirit, soul and body into divine order.
- As a son of God you are authorized and free to become a lord, a king, and a son of God answering the earth’s groaning and fulfilling your highest destiny.
- As a son of God you are authorized and free to receive and release your God given frequency on earth and bring it into divine alignment.
- As a son of God you are authorized and free to receive and release the frequency of FREEDOM to every tribe, nation, language and people on the face of the earth.
- As a son of God you are authorized to release the earth from it’s groanings and bring it into divine alignment.
- As a son of God you are authorized and free to see, hear, taste, smell, feel and perceive in the spirit the way and manner God intended you to before the foundations of the world.
- As a son of God you are authorized and free to step into a new beginning, receive your inheritance, total jubilee, restoration, and walk in it’s fullness.
- As a son of God you are authorized to be free from recurring sins, any curses, worry, anxiety, and fear.
- As a son of God you are authorized and free from all incurable diseases, sicknesses and premature death. You are Immortal and can chose to live forever with your body.
- As a son of God you are authorized and free from seeking identity, fulfillment, security and self worth from the world, others and even from yourself.
Thank you Jesus you have set me free indeed!
Patience Hagan
These laws have been legislated for the OUB House.
- They can be legislated by you onto your mountains and thrones.
- To be followed up with ruling until they fully manifest.