By Jane Johnson and Bill Brady
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What is the restoration of all things?
- Coming into possessing the fullness of all 12 cities
- Becoming part of 144k in Revelation 14
- Judging all things that stand as a counterfeit of the headship of Christ in the ancient of days court
- Dealing with the beast of sea and earth as in Revelation
- Bringing in the first resurrection
- Judging Babylon
- Releasing angels to bring completion of God’s wrath spoken of in Rev 15
- Completion of full justice for all things
- Judging for alternate destinies
- Creating cities in infinity around the blueprint for end times
- Giving dead in Christ their bodies back
- Redeeming the lost/captives free from Sheol
- Creating and ruling over cities in infinity
- Creating on new earth, living & operating from new earth
- Judging the ecclesia to life for various things
- Operating from our new earth body
- Becoming the one new Adam taking on all the names of YHVH
- Becoming One holy nation called Israel as we have overcome wrong trading