6/9/2029 edited 9/9/2023
Author: Patience Hagen
“Let the weak/ sick say I am strong /healed.” Joel 3:10
“By his stripes, you were healed ” Isaiah 53:5
- You are already healed only your mind and body do not know it yet.
- So as the real you; the spirit man speaks it out,
“I am the healed of the Lord”
- The mind and body are hearing and aligning to divine order.
- Then the truth overcomes the fact.
- The fact is what your physical senses are portraying to you, you feel the pain, see the rash.
- You See the doctor’s report but it’s temporal and it’s bound to change.
- The Truth is the revelation your spirit got, so deeply embedded in you such that nothing can shift it.
- Paul described it as
“…I am persuaded nothing present or to come can change my inner conviction” (paraphrased)
- You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.
- It’s the unchangeable that changes everything.
“He sent his word (the truth) and healed you ” Psalm 107: 20
- Jesus is the word and on the cross, he said it is finished.
- That includes healing of all sickness. For sickness and diseases are finished in tormenting you and me.
- All the three Scriptures here ( and there is more) on healing are past tense because the father doesn’t see you as the sick getting healed but the healed refusing to be sick.
Knowing that God has healed you is one thing; choosing to pursue and see the physical manifestation is another.
- It is the father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom
- Not to show you the kingdom
- One of the attributes of the kingdom is divine health.
- Revelations are not for Ahh! moments only.
- But there is the need to press on towards the manifestation.
- John the Revelator tells us not to settle with the revelation.
- John the Revelator, and also John the Manifestor. The book of revelation was a progression from Seeing to Being. All he saw he also experienced.
- There is always more to revelation…manifestation.
- That which our eyes have seen and our ears have heard now our hands have touched
- The Word wants to become flesh!
Choose you this day what you will align with
- Divine health or Sickness
- The Truth or Fact
- Pressing unto Manifestation or settling with Revelation.
- Celebrating divine health or Awaiting healing.
- This is where the rubber meets the road.