By Jane Johnson
August 2019
Jesus was called the following names in Isaiah 9:6-7:
- Wonderful
- Counselor
- Mighty God
- Everlasting Father
- Prince of Peace
– I got this revelation from encounter as I asked how do we function if they are the new five fold .
If we function in Isaiah 9 five fold how does wonderful work I am asking ? I can see it is linked with the city of holiness where we are given immense honor and hence called wonderful . We then release that honor / glory hence we show how wonderful man is by releasing their true identity . All the thrones to date have shown us how wonderful we are so we can begin to function in it ???
- You could say counselling is a form of giving wisdom . Maybe you could say a word of knowledge, a word of understanding.
- As we bench with the bench of one we are able to release counsel on a grand scale governmentally through acts but also in the way we talk to the body .
We have seen many thrones related to might and there is a spirit of might we entangle with . Thrones of power , victory , strength , riches , greatness . Seeing when we operate governmentally from these thrones we are operating in the function of MIGHTY GOD !!! Wow just got this revelation All the headship thrones Eg dominion , kingdom , one holy nation , victory , majesty , greatness , when used simultaneously contribute to being the mighty god I have been shown .
We are always fathering at this point and our impact is limitless for generations of sons whether we know them or not . We are an eternal being and in oneness we release everything that the Godhead and heaven releases . We always need fathering from the body and Heaven though .
God will achieve HIS ends regardless of the Ecclesia – this is peace as we don’t worry about this timeline or even future. Yes our part counts but HE only needs a small number that make a great impact . We can disappear if it gets too much Peace is in “the victory is ours “whether we see or feel it or not . We are in oneness so it is impossible to strive . We are free from the economic political military and religious spirits so we can be at peace . We are healed . We become the prince of peace as we rule over this truth