This article may appear to be a Bible Study.
- It is not.
- It is a revelation of truth which has been revealed to me by encounter in Heavenly Realms and in the scriptures.
- And lived out in the midst of life.
- I welcome dialog.
Victory is Overcoming. Overcoming is all about 3 Words:
- Over
- Under
- In
This article is not a grammar lesson.
- It is a revelation of Victory and Dominion.
- Victory = Overcoming.
- Everything is either Over, Under or In you.
- You are either Over, Under or In anything.
- Overcoming is about being Over.
It is about Dominion.
- When something is Over you it has Dominion Over you.
- When something is Under you then you have Dominion Over it.
Dominion is also about Overcoming.
- When something is Over you it has Overcome you.
- When something is Under you then you have Overcome it.
- You Overcome something in order to have Dominion over it.
We Overcome and have Dominion because we are In.
- We are In the One God and the One God is In us.
- We are In each member of the Godhead individually.
- Each is In us individually.
- This is Oneness.
We are In Jesus the Overcoming King.
- He is in Us.
- We are In Him.
We are able to Overcome because of our Oneness with Jesus the Overcoming King.
- We are able to Overcome anything that He is Over.
- Because we are Over it too.
Overcoming something becomes easy when you see the revelation that you are Over it.
- You may have been experiencing life as if that thing is Over you.
- But when you look and see that you are Over it, then Overcoming it becomes easy.
This is the importance of being in Heavenly Realms.
- You are seated in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus.
- You are Over all things that once had Dominion Over you.
- You are able to Overcome anything that is Under you.
- Overcoming is easy!