A King functions in 4 functions:
- Legislation
- Judgment
- Ruling
- Decree / Delegation
Decree / Delegation
- A King orders others to do things that he wants done.
- This is a doing of Mandates by delegation.
- A King delegates Mandates to Men & Angels.
- This is a simple giving of orders to others.
Delegation of Mandates to Angels
- Every Supervisor / Manager has to learn the skill of delegation.
- Delegation multiplies a Manager’s / Supervisor’s effectiveness.
- This is where Angels function for Lords & Kings.
“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14
- Angels are sent forth to minister for believers.
- Minister means “serve” as servants.
- Lords & Kings are able to Mandate Angels.
- Kings of Kings are able to Mandate Men.
- Specifically, Kings of Kings Mandate Men to build The Temple.
- A King of Kings does this by Decree.
How is The Temple built?
To answer this question we need to look at 3 examples.
- The Tabernacle
- Solomon’s Temple
- The 2nd Temple
The Tabernacle
- Moses was in charge of the building of The Tabernacle.
- He was given the Blueprint for The Tabernacle.
- He told everyone what to do.
Solomon’s Temple (The 1st Temple)
- King David was given The Blueprint for The Temple.
- A Prophet originally was the one who told him to build The Temple.
- David planned for the building of The Temple.
- He collected all of the needed supplies.
The 2nd Temple
- Cyrus, Gentile King of Kings, made the Decree that the Temple was to be built.
- Various Governors, including Nehemiah, supervised the onsite building.
- The Governors were sent by the King of Kings to supervise the building.
- The High Priest was part of the building project.
- Various Prophets encourage the building project by prophesying.
Building The Temple today
- A King of Kings makes the initial Decree that The Temple is to be built.
- A Capstone supervises the building by delegation of Men & Angels.
The Building Process / Journey begins with a Decree issued by a King of Kings.
- That Decree has already been issued.
Capstones supervise the building.
- I experience function as a Capstone as placing individual Living Stones.
- Living Stones have been prepared off site.
- I don’t usually know who I am placing into The Temple.
Preparation as a Living Stone includes 2 things.
- Being chiseled / formed into a Stone ready to be placed in The Temple.
- This makes us into a Stone.
- Resurrection of the Soul to Life.
- This makes us a Living Stone.
Who actually does the building of The Temple?
- A King of Kings
- By Decree & by delegation.
- A King of Kings builds The Temple by functioning as a Capstone.
- The Capstone places individual Living Stones into place.
The Capstone function is a King of Kings function.
- David, Solomon & Cyrus were each a King of Kings.
- Christ as King of Kings is both The Blueprint & The Capstone.
- We are to become Capstones in Oneness with Him.
- A Capstone has The Blueprint for The Temple.
- A Capstone does the building of The Temple according to The Blueprint.
Tabernacle vs. Temple
Why didn’t Moses need to be a Capstone?
- Because Moses wasn’t building a Temple.
- He was making a Tent.
- The Tabernacle was a Tent.
What is the difference between a Tabernacle & a Temple?
- A Tabernacle is moveable.
- A Tabernacle is appropriate for a people who are on the move.
- A Tabernacle is for a people who are on a Journey to a Promised Place.
- A Temple has a Foundation.
- A Temple is permanently placed.
- A Temple is for a people who have arrived at their destination.
What is our Destination?
- Our Destination is both a Time & a Place.
- The Time is the fulfillment of The Feast of Tabernacles.
- The Place is in New Jerusalem.
The Decree has gone out to build The Temple.
- Where are you in The Process / Journey of being built into a Temple?
Jane sees capstone as whole pyramid thing that tops off and stops corruption.
- Maybe both living stones and corporate?