Jane Johnson feb 2021
I was asking god to show me who has transfigured like Yeshua . A few weeks later I randomly came across this sentence in a massive book
I learnt catholic saint Bernardino realino transfigured and looked like sparks coming out of his body and people could no longer distinguish his features
As a bench we stood in front of Yeshua resurrected body and stepped into it looking forward and then turning round looking through his eyes – I saw myself like an exploding light – others saw light flashes inside them
I saw his eyes like flames from which I could govern with
DISAPPEARING – We asked how we could do this and saw we stand at the east gate and press in like a Fibonacci spiral into heaven – east gate we see as edge of heaven and earth and moves as we move
I am eating less food and down to regular 16 hr fasting for a long time – I have more energy than when I was 40 and haven’t been to the docs for 2 yrs and no regular checkups
I used to go to Physio constantly for neck problems and untether now from any and haven’t been in yrs
I can speak to some health issues and they shortly disappear
I saw we live out of the new soul / new body instead of redeeming the old
I just don’t think on some issues and I don’t recognise them through my day
We can go up mt Sinai and step into Moses experience hiding in the rock and seeing back of the Lord
Recordings: https://fb.watch/bHLCEmtrF9/