By Jane Johnson may 2021
Aleph is source of supply –
We become the source of supply as the start of the many rivers with Father on the what was
I see by encounter it comes out of my belly and flows through all realms to the end which is us drinking it in new earth
We can release one value Eg joy ( the wine ) or the gold river or the promised land by leaning in to the living letter or sitting on the throne of life
We drink it as the end living out of new earth so our supply is constant –
Yeshua is the beginning and the end in revelation 1 – hence we can explore the difference between that and I am the alpha and omega
We can arc with one letter and 21 other letters individually
Each letter means many meanings hence I see by encounter we can fall into them like a cushion or vortex where we allow the building blocks to envelope us and change our DNA into those many characteristics ( this revelation is confirmed by Ian clayton too)