By Jane Johnson 2022 Feb
ALL THIS MUST BE DONE IN RELATIONSHIP WITH HEAVEN NOT LEARNING PRINCIPLES OR DOING THEM RELIGIOUSLY AS PROTOCOL – feeling intense emotions , being a living sacrifice , co crucifying flesh so u feel desire are key
I personally STRUGGLED OVER THIS FOR YRS BUT HAVE OVERCOME THE NOTION OF NOT WANTING TO DIE – untethering needs to go in many cases
Why is that ? Because we are on a journey to being resurrected OR BEING CHANGED without dying !!! Decay is as a result of the law of sin and death due to second genesis Adams fall – ( there were many falls )
ENOCH Elijah SKIPPED DEATH – some heard Moses didn’t actually die and that was why there was a fight over his body
This is my personal journey and agreeing with other fathers on some revelation and stepping into it
- IF WE Die we will be resurrected but it is a lesser blueprint – we were never meant originally to decay
TESTIMONY- saw from directly hearing Yahweh that we are immortal and rule as lords to see that ( scripture says when we are born again we are imperishable seed ) . Possessing EVERLASTING LIFE IS KEY TOO AS OUR SOUL AFFECTS OUR BODY AND CAUSES DECAY
Scripture talks about “Put on incorruption “- I see that as a ruling daily over death
So I don’t see a one time event making us that way as no choice . If we don’t overcome our health bodies and don’t want to be immortal anymore we need a choice and yhvh always allows choice until the end .
Learn how to judge as Ancient of Days bringing everlasting judgement that will allow us to become saved from death until the beginning of new earth
Possess the faultless body where law of sin and death doesn’t apply( I see this in realm of perfection ( new Jerusalem) where it’s says there is no death
Administrating above the earth and the sun to stop the decay from radiation and ageing of the sun
Pretty sure crystalline body is the immortal body – I have seen myself like that many times and god on dark cloud throne and emerald throne
I sense non decaying body is gold body
Perfect health body is light body /- all subject to ratification from the heads
Seek everlasting life and the way everlasting after this as we are seeing overcoming the death ( immortal body ) is a different journey to possessing everlasting life