Bill Brady
- Overcoming = Prevailing = Conquering
2 Levels of Overcoming:
- There is overcoming personally with respect to our own Personal Journey.
- There is overcoming externally with respect to The World or all of Creation.
That which follows is my Testimony of Personal Overcoming.
- These are not faith statements made as part of doing The Journey.
- These are statements that I have completed a particular Journey.
I have overcome as a Little Child. ( 1 John 12:12-14 )
- Since then I have become a Young Man & a Father.
I have overcome The Sin Nature ( = Oneness with The Old Fallen Adam ). ( See Galatians 5:24
- We do this by co-crucifying it with help from Holy Spirit.
- As a result I no longer habitually Sow to The Flesh. ( Galatians 6:8 )
I have overcome with respect to all 7 of The 7 Ecclesias.
( The Revelation of Jesus Christ 2-3 )
- As a result I have Journeyed with respect to the following Promises:
Overcoming with respect to The 1st Ecclesia:
- I have eaten from The Tree of Everlasting Life.
- Since then I have possessed & become Everlasting Life.
- And am Journeying towards Abundant Life.
Overcoming with respect to The 2nd Ecclesia:
- I was not hurt by The Second Death.
Overcoming with respect to The 3rd Ecclesia:
- I have eaten of the hidden manna.
- I was given 3 New Names over several years.
Overcoming with respect to The 4th Ecclesia:
- I was given power over the Nations.
- I was given The Morning Star.
Overcoming with respect to The 6th Ecclesia:
- I was clothed with White Garments = became a Man in White Linen.
- My name is no longer in danger of being blotted out of The Book of Life.
Overcoming with respect to The 7th Ecclesia:
- I was made a Pillar in The Temple of God.
- Yeshua wrote the following New Names on me:
- The name “Yahweh”.
- The name “New Jerusalem”. (This starts our New Jerusalem Journey.)
- The name “Word of God”. (This is the beginning of our Journey as Word.)
- I sat down with Yeshua on his Throne = The Son Throne.
- Later I overcame as The Son & sat down on The Father Throne.
I overcame The Pharmakeia Spirit.
- I was on 9 + prescription medications for a variety of medical conditions.
- I desired to stop trading into Pharmakeia.
- As a result of my desire I was freed from all prescription & over the counter meds. ( I take an occasional aspirin. )
- As a side-benefit I was healed of each medical condition that I had meds for.
The medical conditions that I was healed from:
- Parkinson’s Disease ( I was on 3 meds for Parkinson’s Disease )
- Back & Neck Weakness / Pain
- Acid Reflux
- Allergies
- Bleeding Gums
Expanded Testimony on Back & Neck Weakness / Pain:
It was so bad that when we bought a case of 24 bottles of water I had to carry it from the car with a plastic bag with 6 bottles each time. It took 4 trips. Today I can carry a case of 32 bottles of water in one trip.
Expanded Testimony on Acid Reflux:
- I was unable to eat a long list of foods.
- I lost a lot of weight until I was dangerously thin.
- This was because I had to limit my diet.
- Today I can eat anything that I want to eat.
- I pay for eating some things with mild indigestion.
- But I am taking nothing for it.
- Not even Tums.
- Today I am slightly overweight.
I no longer go to some Medical Specialists.
- 2 Neurologists
- Allergist
- ENT ( Ear, Nose & Throat )
- Gastroenterologist (except for a Colonoscopy every 10 years)
My overall Health continues to improve.
- I am convinced that this is a to-be-expected benefit of Kingship.
I have overcome Babylon / Come out of Babylon as a King.
- I have overcome personally as a result of a corporate Bench Journey.
This includes overcoming 4 Spirits:
- The Religious Spirit ( I came out of The Religious Church. )
- The Economic Spirit ( I separated myself from Debt. )
- The Military Spirit ( I freed myself from fear of death. )
- The Political Spirit ( I freed myself from Politics. )
I have personally overcome as a King with respect to 5 Enemies:
- The Devil
- The Beast ( I didn’t take the jab. )
- The False Prophet ( I no longer believe the mainstream media: Liberal or Conservative. )
- The Grave
- Death
This also is a result of a combination of 2 Journeys.
- Bench Journey
- Personal Journey
Thank you, Jesus!