Jane Johnson first founding father of the house Oct 2021
We need to know about the eternal realm that :-
1. We always existed there without a body as luminaries ( spirit beings )
2. Eternal is not everlasting but never ceases – everlasting realm ceases at the estate of full new earth
3. Time is a myth ( it is location not passing of yrs ) hence we can be outside of time in eternal realm refusing to accept decay and move through portals to different dimensions
4. We become eternal god in headship which is different to everlasting god
5 . Some say we always existed and were not created but I don’t currently have any rev on that
6. Many spirit beings exist who have never been born with a body in the eternal realm – ever living ones who are here to help us
7. Being born again gives us everlasting life not eternal life as eternal life is all promises fulfilled ( the promised land )
8. Eternal life is found in the eternal realm not everlasting realm !!! Seek out the differences I hear
What functions do we do in eternal realm
1. Govern over perception of time making us old ,
having enough hours to do our destiny
2. Knowledge of different estates
3. Knowledge of being light