Written by Jane Johnson
This is meant to summarise key points that are explained more in our pages.
- Co heirs reigning with Christ of the new earth.
- Having dominion over creation.
- Being able to play a part in creation and restoration of all things.
- Contributing to the billion fold harvest through accelerated ways of operating.
- Becoming the descending New Jerusalem to govern.
- Being in total union with everyone (not just the god head).
- The ecclesia is the bride not the individual.
- Recognising we can work towards being without genealogy through order of Melchizedek.
- Moving beyond operating in gifts individually to operating out of the four faces.
- Not redeeming an old earth but exploring operating out of the age of new beginnings and beyond.
- Becoming manifest sons on a journey of being lords kings chancellors, mature sons, manifest sons revealing a transfigured body able to transcend dimensions.
- Governing in eternity from the bench of 1, bench of 4 window (trinity plus us).
- Becoming the ancient of days.
- Operating out of different ages.
- Operating out of different timelines (individual, earths, forerunner bench timeline and final blueprint).
- Creating and Ruling over new cities to bring flow from eternity.
- Moving into our fullest destiny written in our book of destiny.
- Seeing the combined mountains of a mature son.
- Forming benches of 12 fathering others.
- Entering cities to govern from there (New Jerusalem, Zion, everlasting city, city of light).
- Releasing qualities of the godhead before creation.
- Giving over self government and the ego to gods full government.
- Becoming like a child to enter eternity.
- More than fixing our world.
- Contributing to the first resurrection.
- Bringing the Lost into higher realms.
- Being a gate to mandate angels and give bodies to the Dead in Christ.
- Becoming part of the bench of 1 in eternity.
- Discerning big blueprints for end times.
- Understanding New Heaven and new earth and how we can access them today individually.
- Uncovering mysteries (Daniel calling).
- Redefining the church into a new ecclesia wineskin.
- Bringing the body into immortality and complete perfection so we can skip Death.
- Fathering generations like Abraham.
- Becoming love the ultimate expression.
- Becoming the way the truth the life like Jesus (becoming the I am).
- Living out of the current new earth now.
- Engaging the full 12 fold governmental union and headship with Christ once we have entered and possessed all 12 heavenly cities.
Seeing larger mountains now described as:
True living everlasting wineskin
Judging to life the ecclesia
Creating new earth
Ruling over cities created in infinity
Governing the eternal blueprint from eternity
Governing over other governance – fallen angels , distorted DNA created by fallen angels
Governing over bringing all timelines together
Big picture mentor group recording
Further Big Picture Recordings are on a page called Big Picture Recordings.