by Jane Johnson – Founder of Ecclesia Framework
Our pages are not meant to be teaching but seeds for immediate encounter if applied as led.
“One of the biggest verses in scripture showing the big picture is this one.”
This describes the end game. If we don’t know the end game we could end up playing a smaller game and missing the goal.
Seeing we are already manifest sons but on a journey to being revealed which takes walking in union with Father. It is more than mindset I see but yielding all the aspects of the soul (including: will, emotions , consciousness, subconscious) and body to Gods total government.
This is my first attempt to define so am open to the body to bring feedback as long as done in a respectful honoring way keeping dialogue open not shutting it down. It is your responsibility to ask, not teachers to define. Asking in question form can help.
These are not absolutes but possible manifestations:-
- On a continual journey of not taking camp, recognising the ages they operate from and how this affects how they see their full identity.
- May Govern and Reside from Eternity (the was), co creates and rules with Jesus as a co heir from Infinity (is to come). Rev 22 “we will rule with him age after age.”
- Inhabits/resides in the city of Zion (creating cities which become a kingdom to rule over).
- Knows their authority fully.
- king of kings.
- Is like ancient of days (immense wisdom).
- Sees the god head face to face.
- May be recognised as a chancellor through investiture then coronation.
- sees intimacy and responsibility as part of the same thing all entangled together.
- Can govern outside of time (not just visit).
- Knows they are the pure and spotless bride and is heaven (not going into heaven for lack).
- Understands the timeline and how to engage metatron’s cube.
- Can write new laws on the sapphire cube.
- Knows how to create in infinity and create cities.
- Can bi locate (i.e., appear in two places at once) or disappear like Philip and the disciples by moving realms (translocate).
- Rules as a bench of 2 with Jesus in city of Zion as a co heir over their joint kingdom.
- Operates as a bench of 1 with all creation.
- Understands about mandating angels and engages angelic canopy in their function.
- Can operate across realms and dimensions.
- Can manifest abundance of all things.
- Has discovery on their scroll.
- Knows their scroll intently and lives it 24/7.
- Fathers generations not just individuals.
- Is on a journey to immortality as shadow of death was never our original destiny . By choosing to eat off the tree of knowledge of good and evil and not return to eat off the tree of life , death became our destiny.
- Knows they are gloried ,sanctified transfigured like Jesus (a spirit being first, not a human being). Sees they are made of Gold dust.
- Experiences rich time as lives out of the timeline.
- No desire to sin.
- Doing greater works (rather than will do).
- Materialising matter in this realm – creating in creation.
- Functioning as open gate – shadow healing.
- Sees holy spirit face to face.
- Understands legislative representation within creation, outside creation, in new creation.
SOME DECLARATIONS OF OUR FULLEST DESTINY (important to do them in relationship/encounters not as religious protocol).
I have life to the full.
Abundance is my birthright.
Complete health is normal.
My body soul and spirit are perfectly aligned under the Holy Spirit.
I experience everlasting peace, joy and love.
I know I am a co heir with Christ.
I am fully transfigured, glorified.
I can see the father and Jesus face to face.
I will do greater things than Jesus.
I am a creative spirit being (not a human being).
The kingdom is within. There is no temple or church we need to go to.
I eat freely from the tree of life and live out of the source of the river of life.
I bench with all in Heaven as one united body.
I allow my scroll to be fully fulfilled.
I choose the spiritual age I operate from and I choose the highest greatest destiny.
My book of life (what I currently experience) is perfectly aligned with my book of destiny.
I accept the fullest design of Christ for my life and that is immortality.