Nov 2022 written by Jane johnson
Apostle sent by Yahweh , Father and Son of the most high I bring this oracle word to you for fathers and teachers of today
“I wish my people to do a genuine journey and move our new wineskin into one of authentic journey and experience. I do not wish this to be a ministry of teaching where you hear a word from me or see a truth and think that is enough to tell my people that this is the case.
The old wineSkin did this and left people with false expectations that the victory was theirs by hearing a word and believing it and many false conclusions that brought havoc and wrong pathways compared to ancient ones
The maturity I am seeking for the sons now is one of immense relationship and sight in heaven experiencing the full bodies and all the riches of heaven and then to proclaim from Direct sight / knowing 
There will be many of my sons arising that will be able to give words like the apostles in Yeshuas time and they need to be taken seriously as they will release a gospel not yet declared in the Scriptures.
Seek to make a decision about this word quickly and you will eat the fruit. If you stay in indecision and observation you will stagnate.
The power of a son comes from standing on the words they hear and risking all for this”.