This is a very important topic for you to ask all of Heaven about. Very controversial.
Summary Ages
By Jane Johnson updated April 2022 We have worked through all of these in detail and latter comes from direct revelation ( the former came from Ian Clayton ) and we pursued our own understanding after the age of Zion and sought to genuinely live out of them. We
Heavenly Blueprint of New Ecclesias
Written by Jane Johnson, founder of Ecclesia Framework which became One United Body This is a compilation of revelation from what many have seen in the inner court and from many Bible verses not really understood from a Hebrew mind-set, as the culture of heaven. It is open to others
The Importance of Understanding Ages and NOT TAKING CAMP
by Jane Johnson THIS MAY BE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PAGES TO GRASP We invite positive contributions and ask you seek God for confirmation of your own definition of ages, so we are not reacting against religious waters in our body. It is your responsibility to confirm things in