The door is open to experience the same as Enoch, Elijah and Ezekiel!
This is a forerunning study of the Word. The purpose of this article is to show this Forerunning community the Way from the Word. This article is a door to Encounter. Enoch and Elijah both went up into Heaven. Enoch learned how to go up regularly for a temporary stay.
The Birthing on 9/9/19
The Birthing on 9/19/19 The Birthing The decade of Pey is upon us As we step into this new decade of Pey We are birthing something, that which we have been carrying all these months. Upon asking what are we birthing? I heard Birthing/ Manifestation of the Overcomers! Birthing
THE NEW WINESKIN GIVING Patience Hagan 6/6/2019 Giving is a Grace; one of the New Wine Skin’s graces. Grace is the divine enablement of God imparted to you to do the seemingly impossible. Grace is receiving a blessing or favor you didn’t work for or earn or even don’t deserve.
Important Letter to the Ecclesia and the Body of Christ
Important Letter to the Ecclesia and the Body of Christ One of the functions of the One United Body (OUB) House is to herald. As heralders, in this hour we have the responsibility to trumpet a message concerning the significance and importance of this hour for the Ecclesia and the
What is restoration of all / making all things new
By Jane Johnson and Bill Brady Any want to begin dialogue about this page? What is the restoration of all things? Coming into possessing the fullness of all 12 cities Becoming part of 144k in Revelation 14 Judging all things that stand as a counterfeit of the headship of Christ
One United Body House Values
One United Body House Values Edited 5/1/2020 This is a fresh look at the Values of OUB. Jane Johnson wrote a page on this topic in July of 2017. For a long time we used to post that page regularly. And use that page for dialog in every Beginners Group.
Keys to Immortal Life
Justin Abraham on reasons to believe in immortality. Written by Eric Raphael The key to immortal life and resurrecting the old saints is to actually know Death was not the original blueprint . We were never meant to die . 2nd key
we have the keys to