Ecclesia Online mandates
Some summaries of mandates for this group: Leadership and armies. Training ground of fathers and validating them. Bringing continents like Africa and Australia forward and united in terms of Ecclesia more than problems of the world. Release and call in from the East Gate (great harvest, manifestations). Releasing Free wineskin.
New Disclosure of Partial Agenda of the Enemy
Jan 2019 RIGHTFUL HEIRS Depopulate the earth as many viewed as a scourge on society and exercise dominion as rightful heirs of Lucifer and reptilian seedline. SLAVES Make slaves and dumb down the population by many methods keeping disease rife. Use disinformation to mislead population that there are shortage of
Following the Narrow Path
Written by Jane Johnson – founder of Ecclesia Framework Draft page and open to any pleasant honoring dialogue . By embracing mystery there will be elements of difference until we have a new earth. But don’t let that stop you embracing it as the journey is likely to be more