Metatron’s Cube Activation
Metatron’s Cube Activation
Examples of Real Cities Created to Bring in the New Heaven
By Jane Johnson We see the theme of cities through the scriptures (Zion, Jerusalem, Salem, New Jerusalem). We have pages explaining these. We believe we are in latter days and we have a role in being a gate ushering the new Heaven for all our timeline. We have been shown
How do we Create?
by Jane Johnson Gods universe is ever expanding and is not a static concept. Yeshua has a creative nature. As such so do we as we are in Him. Creation is a serious business so we must be sure we are led and recognise things can be destroyed if not
Traits of Jezebel
Excerpt from “Confronting Jezebel: Discerning and Defeating the Spirit of Control” by Steve Sampson (pages 62-68) There are many posts about narcissism on There is an increasingly large amount of disinformation on the internet, particularly on subjects such as Christianity and narcissism, etc. so please do research with care. Jezebel
Results from Court Cases
by Jane Johnson My mandates are health and reformation of the Ecclesia Here are some results of cases I have brought Diabetes – saw possible cure in news. Sugar guidelines changed for first time in five years. Malaria – new vaccine released. Cancer– numerous cures coming forth other than chemo.
The Creation Story/Estates Clarified
by Jane Johnson This is our understanding from relationship and encounter not bible study. We invite input from the body if you have encountered a different understanding. ESTATES 1st ESTATE – eternity where we existed before we were created in our mothers womb as a god imaged being (purely spirit).
How to Keep Hunger for God and Keep Moving Forward in Living out of Heaven
by Jane Johnson This I personally have found has worked really well for me. CHECK GATEWAYS Check there feels a free flow between all your gates daily. If not deal with any issue, e.g., lack of faith, hope, joy, dulled conscience, fixed mindsets taking offense if a topic is debated,
How to Move to Operate out of Age of Peace then Rest and New Beginnings
by Jane Johnson We ask if you are blessed by this you share but we invite input, or confirmation. We operate out of the age we believe in so to achieve bigger and bigger things for the earth we need to constantly reevaluate how we do things. Here are some